Twilight Saga: To Read Or Not To Read?

It’s time for another movie/book dilemma, just a tad different; to read or not to read? I’ve been considering to try to go through the Twilight Saga. The pressed version, that is. Why in hell would you want to read about sparkly vampires, you ask? Well… Beats me. I guess I really like the book covers ;) And I might have heard that the books are way better than the movie, and being, well, me, I tend to believe that’s possible.

I’m a little OCD-ish when it comes to books; if I start on a series or trilogy or whatever, I *need* to read own all of them. I don’t care how many they are, they must be in my collection. And read. In the case of the Twilight Saga, there’s four of them, and books don’t come cheap where I’m from. Especially when they suck. So the real question here is; should I invest my rare time and even more rare money into this?

Admittedly, I’ve watched the first movie a few months ago. Not because I really wanted to, but because I was bored and there wasn’t anything else on TV. And in a way, it amused me. Not so much that it turns me into a drooling idiot whenever I see what’s-his-face-playing-Edward-Cullen, but more like… Oh hell, I don’t know. I’ve even considered looking at the rest if they happened to cross my path… I think you could call that “passive interest” or something. I guess it has something to do with girls being attracted to sparkly shit ;)

Now I’ve had a thing for vampire related everything pretty much as long as I can remember. I’ve seen all three (yes, there’s three, but don’t bother with the second two) Dracula movies, I’ve seen all the episodes of True Blood (and read all the books, plus I have pre-ordered the latest), I even read the first four Vampire Diaries. Apparently, there’s a TV series of that one as well, but there’s no way in hell gonna watch that shit, because I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a persona in a book as much as that Elena Gilbert chick. Damn. And then there’s -of course- Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan/The Hollows series. Read and loved. Hell yeah.

I’m probably forgetting a few, but the main point here is that all those vampires are dark, sexy and dangerous. Not blonde, sparkly and underage-looking. So why am I even considering Twilight? Especially now that I’ll see Kristen Stewart’s face all the time when I’m reading? Seriously… WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! You know what… Don’t answer that.

Yeah, I’m losing my fucking mind. So I need your help… Should I give Twilight a shot? Or should I just shoot myself throught the fucking head for just considering it?

Thanks for reading!
