Summer’s Not Always Fun

I know, technically it’s not summer yet, but the last few days it’s been pretty hot around here, and as a result, a lot of people decided to take their clothes off. Or come out from underneath the rock where they spend the remaining three seasons of the year.

I have a couple of… Anti-fetishes. I’m not sure if that word actually exists, but it’s supposed to be the complete opposite of a fetish. So instead of something turning me on, it turns me off so badly that I want to throw up/cry/run away as fast as I can. One of my anti-fetishes has always been feet. I’ve disliked those things for as long as I can remember, without any apparent reason. I even couldn’t handle anyone touching my feet. As time went by this dislike shifted from all feet to “only” ugly feet, but I still stress out a little when somebody touches mine. I still don’t like to have them near me; an old boyfriend of mine used to cross them when we would have dinner sitting on the couch, so they’d almost be on my plate. It’s safe to say he’s lucky that I didn’t chop them off (as am I for not starving, because it was impossible to eat anything after the numerous foot-on-plate episodes. Makes for a great diet though!).

Feet fetishists truly are a folk that I’ll never understand. Just to be clear; there’s a lot of people out there who have “pretty” feet. Feet that look… Taken care of, and neat. But there’s just so many people out there with gross feet, and they don’t give a rat’s ass and put sandals and slippers on when the temperature gets even remotely summery. Why do they want to torment others by showing off their nibbled-on icky toes? FFS, put some boots on, please! And stop trying to eat your feet!

Another disgusting foot issue that I can’t handle are long toenails. Yep. As much as I dislike too long fingernails (especially on men, or when it’s just a pinky nail to help that coke up your nostrils), long toenails are even nastier. Did I miss some kind of fashion statement or something? Or did all the nail clippers in the world magically disappear, forcing people to have their toenails floor-length and curly? Seriously? I’ve been toying with the idea that it might be a cultural thing, seeing it’s mostly ladies of an ehm… Darker persuasion who carry these monstrous things on their feet. But when I was trying to decide if I’d delight you with some pictures to illustrate my point, I came upon something way more unexpected: people get turned on by this shit.

Obviously this post is without pictures and that’s because, my dear readers, I appreciate you too much to try and traumatize you. The floor-length toenails you may encounter on a daily basis are just the tip of the iceberg. But for me, what has been seen cannot be un-seen. So if you may hear about victims of some chick on a crazy toenail hunt with hedge shears, it’ll probably be me. ;)

Thanks for reading!
